$107M in

Our goal is your success.
RAD Studio will analyse your needs and desires to generate a detailed design strategy. We achieve the outcomes for your project that give you the best results and returns on your investments.

Practical planning is everything…
RAD Studio has been delivering F&B projects since 2002 and takes pride in understanding the business of hospitality and what it takes to deliver outcomes that succeed. We understand with great design comes good processes and practical experience which RAD has in spades. This makes RAD a unique strategic partner to deliver your project.
Reputed for creating practical, innovative design solutions that fuse aesthetic form and function, RAD Studio produce strong conceptual work that is articulated in refined interior & architectural solutions. Our interiors introduce an element of drama to help our brands deliver a clear commercial edge.
“We Don’t use creative to work out strategy, We use strategy to work out creative”
Richard Alexander
Lets get started…
RAD Studio has worked on projects throughout Australia, New Zealand and South East Asia. Where ever your next venture is, RAD studio can tailor a plan best-suited for your needs, style, timeframe and budget.